Reloading Supplies UK
Bisley V Shop - Reloading Supplies, Components and Equipment
We are a small business that import reloading supplies, components and equipment into the UK. We want our customers to obtain the best results possible from their time hand loading, training, and competing on the range.
We have added stock to support Match Rifle, F/TR, and Civilian Service Rifle disciplines. We also have added the latest Electronic Powder Dispensers from RCBS, including the new RCBS ChargeMaster Link. We support the community of shooters of Vintage and Classic Rifles such as the 577/450, 577 Snider, 7.5×55 Swiss and 303 British and really enjoy attending the Kempton Classic Arms Fair.
We are happily working with Primal Rights and the Giraud Tool Company to make their products easily available in the UK. We are a registered Overseas Dealer for Redding Reloading, which gives us quick access to their products.
We are licensed to export directly from the US, which allows us to offer firearms parts, reloading supplies and components directly to UK shooters. We have access to a myriad of reloading supplies and components from a wide assortment of American Manufacturers. Virtually any component, any tool, any die you can imagine.
We will only sell a product tested by ourselves or recommended by a close shooting friend in whom we trust.
Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us if you have any having trouble finding a particular reloading component in the UK. There is a very good chance that we can source and import it for you quickly, at a much lower cost than you would assume. We have imported goods for many happy customers across the entire United Kingdom that do not appear on the website.
If you represent a Shooting Club or Shooting Association, please call and we would be more than happy to discuss your needs.
In the mean time, please have look at what we have in stock. We only accept orders for items physically in stock. We do not support back orders, but encourage you to set up an email notification when the item you want is restocked.
We bring in many items for individuals on a one off basis. Usually this is straight forward and economical. Please feel free to contact us if you are having trouble locating items locally.
Good Luck and Good Shooting
Brian Page and the V Shop